Drawida keikiensis

 ジュズイミミズ科 > ジュズイミミズ属 > Drawida keikiensis Kobayashi, 1938b






Drawida keikiensis

Drawida keikiensis の受精囊、雄性孔および摂護腺断面図、雄性孔域の形態(原記載図) (Kobayashi, 1938b, p. 109 fig. 4 より)


Drawida keikiensis Easton, 1981: 39. [同定形質のみ] (Apr 30, 1981)

Drawida keikiensis Blakemore, 2003: 8. [記述のみ]

Drawida keikiensis Blakemore, 2008d: 24. [記述のみ] (Dec ?, 2008)

Drawida keikiensis Blakemore, 2012b: 16. [記述のみ] (Feb 28, 2012)


Blakemore, R.J., 2003. Japanese earthworms (Annelida: Oligochaeta): A review and checklist of species. Organisms Diversity and Evolution 11: 1-43.

Blakemore, R.J., 2008d. A review of Japanese earthworms after Blakemore (2003). In: Ito MT, Kaneko N, (eds.), A Series of Searchable Texts on Earthworm Biodiversity, Ecology and Systematics from Various Regions of the World, 2nd Edition (2006) and Supplemental. COE soil Ecology Research Group, Yokohama National University, Japan. CD-ROM Publication.

Blakemore, R.J., 2012b. Japanese earthworms revisited a decade on. Zoology in the Middle East 58 suppl 4: 15-22.

Easton, E.G., 1981. Japanese earthworms: A synopsis of the Megadrile species (Oligochaeta). Bulletin of the British Museum Natural History (Zoology) 40(2): 33-65.

Kobayashi, S., 1938b. Earthworms of Korea. I. The Science Reports of the Tohoku Imperial University, 4th series (Biology) 13: 89-170.

小林新二郎, 1941c. 四国、中国、近畿及中部諸地方の陸棲貧毛類に就て. 動物学雑誌 53(5): 258-266.